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The Hit Man Page 6

  His eyes flew open in terror as if he sensed danger.

  “I wouldn’t move if I were you. This blade is very sharp, sharp enough to slice right through your carotid artery, and don’t think I’m not tempted to slice you open after what you tried to do at my girlfriend’s place earlier.

  “A dude named Mark wanted me to look in on her while I was there.”

  “How did he know that you would be there today?”

  “He said that he knows one of the doormen, and that the guy said movers were coming in today.”

  “Which doorman, my hand’s getting shaky and my patience is definitely wearing thin.” I pressed down on the point of the knife, just enough for a trickle of blood to make its way down his neck, which in turn causes the man to reveal all of the information about the door man who worked the day shift.

  “You stay the fuck away from her place. I don’t care if you are supposed to be moving another tenant in or out, you don’t work that day.”

  The man barely shook his head yes for fear of being cut deeper. As quickly as I’d made my way in, I turned and exited the residence. There would be no evidence of me having been there, except for the small cut that had bled, and the terrified memory of a victim who had seen a killer face to face and survived.

  I made my way back towards Laura’s. Roderick was watching Mark and there wasn’t anybody to torture and take my aggressive side out on, so it looked like I had no choice but to go home and fuck my little pet’s brains out. I smiled at the thought of it. What better way to take out my aggression than to unleash a fury of lust on my innocent little victim? Yes, I was looking forward to it—that was for sure.


  I eased into the penthouse making certain not to wake Laura up. I quickly peeled my clothing off and reached into the nightstand grabbing a pair of cuffs and a couple of other toys.

  This girl slept heavy, her hands were above her head handcuffed and I was toying with a dildo at her opening before she even knew what hit her.

  “I didn’t get the enjoyment of beating anyone’s ass tonight, so it looks like you are going to get the brunt of my dis-pleasure.”

  I watched as she began to squirm and pull at the cuffs, to no avail.

  “What kind of private investigator gets off on beating up clients?”

  “The sadistic kind. Now shut the fuck up and let me play.”

  I stopped and squeezed her chin between my fingers. “If you come, you’ll regret it.”

  She groaned as she continued to squirm, eyeing me. “You aren’t going to make this easy on me, are you?”

  “Hell no, now spread your legs so I can get to that hungry little pussy. Oh, such a good girl.”

  My cock throbbed as I viewed the moistening on her inner thigh. I pulled the dildo out and slowly pushed it back in. Her hips thrust up trying to meet it. “Fuck it for me baby, that’s it—you do the work.”

  She was turning me on as I watched her thrust her hips forward and back. Her head was turned to the side with her blonde hair splayed over the pillow. Her expression was one of complete anguish—the anguish of a woman who needed release and wasn’t being allowed to have it.

  “Your orgasms belong to me now. I guess that you could say that I own you.”

  Her cries cut through the air that was now heavy with the smell of sex.

  “I bet you want me to lick that sweet little nub of yours don’t you?”

  She screamed out begging me to touch her. She needed more contact to bring the release that she was now crying out for.

  I pulled the toy that I was having so much fun with out and stuck it up to her lips. She latched on like a baby animal sucking on a bottle.

  “Except for mine this will be the only cock you ever suck again.”

  She stuck her tongue out taunting me as she rolled it around the thick phallus.

  “You little cock tease.”

  “Give me what I want, Miller.”

  “You’re not in control girl.”

  “I never said I was, but I’m begging you to fuck me with that dildo and lick my pussy while you do it.”

  “Such a dirty girl, what do I get?”

  “Anything that you want.”

  I got right up in her face and growled, “I want the strap of my thick leather belt across that little virgin ass of yours that has never been spanked. I want to be the first one to introduce you to the dark side baby girl. I want to be the man to introduce you to kink. It will bond us Laura—a deeper bond than you have ever experienced with any other man.”

  “You got it, anything that you want to do to me.”

  “Keep your legs back Laura,” I commanded, as I pushed them back so far that her knees were back by her shoulders. I slid the thick piece of fake meat into her hungry little hole as I ran my flat tongue slowly over her small pearl that was now jutted out, no longer hiding. Her whole body began to shake as if she had been hooked up to an electrical current. I snaked an arm beneath her and wrapped it around her mid-section as I used the other hand to push and pull the device in and out of her. It was taking all that I had to manipulate everything, but bringing her the amount of pleasure that she was going to experience would be well worth it.

  Just like I knew that she would, her body jolted up and exploded in ecstasy. She fell into a puddle on the bed and I wasted no time removing the cuff and flipping her ass over. Then I cuffed her to the bed again before I bent down on the bed and grabbed a fistful of her hair and eyed her.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, this is going to hurt.” I chuckled as she tried to pull at the cuffs.

  “Get that ass up in the air, girl.”

  She whimpered but obeyed me.

  I popped the belt in my hands. “You’re going to see a side of me tonight that you have never seen before. Tonight is the night that you are going to realize that you don’t want to cross me. As far as I’m concerned you belong to me, and you would do well to remember that. Where most men get pussy whipped and lose their edge, I don’t. Don’t ever cross me. I’m a kinky motherfucker with a sadistic edge, and nothing is going to change that.”

  The first sting of the belt brought tears to her eyes, but there was something else there that I immediately recognized—a peaceful euphoria. She was going to fit into my kinky lifestyle just fine. Five lashes later I was behind her sliding every inch of myself balls deep into her hot body. I gently rubbed my palms over the marks on her bottom. I relished in the thought that they were marks I had made. Not only had I enjoyed marking her, she had enjoyed being marked for my pleasure.

  “Welcome to my world baby girl. I promise that I will always take care of you but don’t ever mistake my kindness for weakness. Your mine now, you’ve been marked, taken, and now you’re owned.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I woke the next morning having slept better than I had in years. I looked over to see Miller was already gone. I stretched much like a lethargic cat awakening from a nap. I could definitely feel the effects of the playtime that we had partaken in the night before.

  So this was what it felt like to be dominated. No longer did I have to wonder why the woman that I’d spied on with binoculars looked so sated. Now I’d experienced it for myself, and I liked it. I couldn’t ever remember coming that hard. I enjoyed what my lover had subjected me to. I couldn’t wrap my brain around why, but for once I didn’t care to deduce why. I had enjoyed someone else holding my destiny in their hands—I enjoyed being out of control.

  I’d tormented myself trying to control every facet of my life since the death of my child. I’d operated in a state of fear for so long that I was willing to do anything to be free of it. Miller had done just that, he’d freed me from my obsessive, compulsive behavior by taking the reins of control from my hands and having his way with me. For the first time in years I felt something I hadn’t been able to experience—peace.

  I forced myself from the bed and made my way into the shower but not before I snuck a peek at my back
side in the full length stand up antique mirror that graced my bedroom. Boy he hadn’t been kidding, I was marked. But for some reason I took pride in the fact that the man I was quickly becoming enamored with, had been the same man who’d introduced me to the lifestyle of kink.

  He was my first and as far as I was concerned, my last. This would be a sacred thing we would share with only each other. I had a gut feeling that Miller was only sleeping with me and he would prove to be faithful to what we had. Unlike my dirt bag of an ex-husband who’d used and abused me in more ways than one.

  I would never allow a man to treat me like that again. He had been able to do it because of the breakdown I experienced after my daughter’s death. I was strong now and I never planned on allowing myself to be at any man’s mercy. I was nobody’s punching bag—physically or emotionally.

  I allowed the warm water to wash over my sore muscles and welcomed the loosening of my tight joints. For the first time in years, I was happy.


  I sat at my desk in a state of panic. My life was becoming more and more out of control with each passing day. Once again I found myself pushing away thoughts of just sticking a gun in my mouth and blowing all of my problems to smithereens.

  Suddenly a new thought entered my head, why should I do anything to myself when it was my ex-wife who posed the problem? I needed her dead and if nobody else wanted to do it, then maybe, just maybe, I was the man for the job. I quickly grabbed my suitcase and made my way out the door. I would need to make my move before that crazy boyfriend of hers got moved in. Yes, this was the answer to all of my problems. I would do what I had done in the past, use Laura as a scapegoat…


  I made my way out of the shower and ran a comb through my hair taking one last look at my marks of Miller’s ownership before I threw on a pair of comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. I would take the time he was using to finish packing up the last of his items to bring here—to get some much needed work done. I was ashamed to say I had neglected my blog during the time that Miller had been staying here.

  I booted up my computer and waited a moment for it to open all the files I needed. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. That was odd, I wasn’t expecting any deliveries. Since Miller had been here he had been really good about running all of my errands for me.

  I got up and made my way through the penthouse to look through the peephole. I was shocked when I saw Mark standing at the door. I wasn’t afraid of him and I thought nothing of letting him in. He probably just had a check from the last bank account we’d shared together. I knew enough about his gambling habits to know I had better get the money while I could, before he pissed it away gambling.

  I opened the door and immediately lit into him. “I assume you’re here to pay me the money you owe me. There is certainly no other reason I would want to see your ass.”

  I was caught unaware when he grabbed me around my throat and began choking me. I kicked and screamed as loudly as I could before I felt the prick of a syringe in the side of my neck. The last thing I remember was looking into the eyes of a desperate man and wondering why I was more afraid of him than I was Miller. Even though I knew Miller to be much more dangerous. I gave into the drug that coursed through my system.

  I could only hope that this man who had at one time promised that he would love and protect me in sickness and in health, would have mercy on me. It was evident that his desperation had driven him to do things he was never capable of when we were together.

  True, he had been cruel and emotionally abusive but he had never physically assaulted me and I most certainly never imagined that he would accost me and kidnap me from my own residence. It wouldn’t be me who would have to worry about being hurt when Miller came back and found me missing. I could only hope that he would find me before the desperation took its final toll on Mark and he killed me.

  Right now I wasn’t mentally assessing my situation or the outcome of it for those involved. Right now I was drugged and was being shoved into a large suitcase on wheels to be carted out to a location that I was unaware of.

  Yes, he would be successful wheeling me out of my condominium right in front of the doorman on duty. I would find out when I awoke and found myself chained and at my ex-husband’s mercy that the doorman was in on it. He had been giving Mark my schedule for deliveries and any information about who was coming and going from my residence…


  I tossed the last of the items that I would need to take over to Laura’s into a suitcase. I had gone so far as to set up a complete office with an extra computer so that I wouldn’t have to worry about things being moved back and forth. Regardless of where I spent my days or nights, I would have everything I needed to be a fully functional private investigator/hit man.

  Laura still wasn’t aware that I killed people for a living and I wasn’t crazy about the idea of her finding out. I didn’t want to do anything that would risk her being with me. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Even though we hadn’t been together that long, it seemed as if she had always been a part of my life. Losing her wasn’t something I even wanted to think about.

  I would wait to reveal who I was and what I did. Unless telling her became a necessity, I would just keep that part of my life separate from her. The less that she knew about me, the safer she would be. Not only would it keep her safe from the reprobates I was subjected to in my line of work, it would also keep her safe from law enforcement including her in any line of questioning if they ever came after me. She couldn’t tell what she didn’t know and she would also be able to pass a lie detector test if she wasn’t put in a position of having to lie for me.

  I made my way into the parking garage and grabbed my bags. I still hadn’t confronted the little shit of a door man who had been working for her ex. I wanted to wait until the time was right before I dealt with him. In my line of work timing is everything.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I woke up to feeling like my head was in a vice grip. A surge of panic set in as I looked around and discovered I was in a dank, dark basement. A flash of memory washed over me and I remembered letting Mark in and then everything had gone black.

  I began screaming as loudly as I could to try and get anyone’s attention. I pulled at the chains that had me bound as I screamed. It was only a matter of moments before I heard the large metal door scraping its way against the concrete opening. Surely I could talk some sense into this idiot ex-husband of mine.

  “Mark, why are you doing this? What have you gotten yourself into? What have you dragged me into?”

  “You are my ticket out of debt.” He leered at me as if he loathed the very site of me.

  “Let me go before you get yourself in more trouble than you already are, or worse yet before you get yourself killed.”

  “By who, that boyfriend of yours?”

  “Yes, he is crazy enough to do it, if you have any sense at all, you’ll let me go before this escalates to the point of no return.”

  “I was at the point of no return when I got into debt with Glazov. Now I’m at the point of simply not giving a fuck. Either you die so I can collect on your life insurance or I put a bullet in my brain to end it all. Honestly I would much rather watch you meet your demise.”

  “Have you always been such a prick and I just didn’t have sense enough to know it?”

  My head slammed against the wall as he backhanded me and a new level of pain coursed through my head as I fought passing out.

  I was in a position of utter helplessness. After all I had done to secure my safety, I still ended up being at the mercy of this asshole. No one knew where I was and there wasn’t a chance in hell on me being rescued. Was this how my life was going to end? After all that I had done to get away from my abusive husband, was I still going to die at his mercy?


  I grabbed a luggage cart as I scowled at the day shift doorman. I had every intention of confronting him but now wasn
’t the right time to do so. I pulled the cart behind me as I warded off thoughts of crashing the little twerp’s head, face first into the desk. I had too much going on right now to deal with him and there were too many people in the lobby for me to discreetly kick his ass. When I got my hands on him I wanted the freedom to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

  I made my way to the penthouse and unlocked the door. As soon as my feet graced the doorway I knew something was terribly wrong. The lamp on the end table had been shattered and the glass and lampshade were lying on the floor giving silent testimony to the fact that there had been a struggle.

  I pulled my glock from the holster I wore and shut the door behind me. I made my way around each corner and even though I knew no one was here, I didn’t take it for granted. Assuming things in my line of work could get you killed. When I was certain no one was in the penthouse I quickly made my way to my office and booted up my computer.

  My blood ran cold as I watched my woman’s abductor drug her and shove her into a suitcase like a piece of trash. An emotion that I couldn’t remember feeling since I was a child permeated my being—pure terror. The thought of him killing her and never being able to see her again absolutely terrified me. Whether I was able to rescue her or not, he was going to die for this and before he did, I was going to make sure that he felt the same all-consuming terror I was feeling at this moment.

  I changed clothes and put on clothing that would hide the many weapons I would be carrying. A black fitted t-shirt, black jeans, shit kicking boots, and a leather jacket.

  I wore a holster, which carried my glock of choice, and stuck a backup firearm in one of my boots. The other boot would house a knife that I had every intention of using on my enemy. The first thing I needed to do was go down to the lobby and confront the little shit who had put my woman in danger.