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Make Me Page 6

  I don’t care if they think that I’m a bitch. I am good to the people who work for me and I’m damn good at my job. These contestants will do anything to win, including crying on anyone’s shoulder who will listen.

  A part of me knows I’m taking up for David, but I understand what he is saying about not wanting to make a mockery of the BDSM community and I agree whole heartedly. If these girls aren’t into the lifestyle and they can’t handle the pressure, then they can always leave…

  I have no idea David’s around the corner doing what any upstanding Dom would do—spying and eavesdropping, of course. I also have no idea he is proud of me for taking a stand, or that he is thinking ‘Good girl’ as he listens.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I walk through my club, inspecting it before the doors are opened. It is something that I do every night. My standards are high for everything, always setting the bar to a new level.

  I’m a perfectionist in all of my dealings. I have OCD just as bad as any self-respecting Dom does.

  I show a standard of excellence in everything I do. Each night the club is inspected personally by me, and no game show is going to get in the way of my high standards.

  I make my way through the hallway towards the playrooms and stop when I get to the door of the one we used last night. This is the first time in years that I have been smitten with a woman.

  As club owner I have my choice of subs but I don’t do 24/7 relationships. Having a sub is a full time responsibility and one I take very seriously. I’ve only been interested in playing—that is, until now.

  My type of sub isn’t an easy thing to find. I have a bent for ‘Alpha subs’ and they are few and far between. I like a strong business woman who is in charge by day and only submits to one man by night.

  I feed off of a woman that presents a challenge to me. I don’t want a brat, but an independent, strong, capable, and in charge woman. I also need a woman that has a fetish for consensual non-consent. I like a woman who enjoys rough sex and desires to be taken. I’m known for my intense scenes and it takes a certain kind of woman to handle that level of passion.

  It boils down to one thing with Linda—chemistry. Linda and I have the chemistry of matches and gasoline and it is going to take discipline on both of our parts to get through this last week of the show.

  I tell myself I can hide the attraction I feel for Linda and, normally, I am unreadable, but the veneer of carefully layered control seems to crack when I’m in her presence. It’s usually over something she does that pisses me off. As a rule, I’m not this volatile, but I normally don’t give a shit what subs are doing, much less why they are doing it. Hell, half the time they are trying to make me jealous. This woman isn’t even trying; I just am.

  Anything that has to do with her sends me over the top. I don’t want anyone looking at or touching her because, in my mind, she belongs to me. Not being able to stake a claim on her is making me crazy. Control—I’m used to that… Crazy—this is all new to me. I just need for this week to be over and for my plan to go successfully.


  I eye my fiery red hair in the mirror as I continue putting on make-up, letting my mind wander. I have been quiet up until now but all of that is getting ready to change. With only one week left in this competition, I am going to have to up my game.

  As far as I am concerned, David is my ticket to success even if my career doesn’t work out as a reality star. He is rich and powerful which means I will be set for life if I can get him down the aisle, so to speak.

  The problem is that I know I’m looking at it in terms of the typical vanilla romance. I know enough after being in this house that D/s relationships don’t work the way that vanilla ones do. I just need to figure out how things do work so I can nab my meal ticket. I’ll be damned if I spent the last five weeks in this house with these crazy bitches just to walk out of here with nothing to show for it.

  I sit, ignoring the rest of the women as they antagonize Barbie. It’s evident she has some kind of hold on the guy but I just figure it’s because she is a true sub. I learned how to fake things a long time ago and if it takes faking it to get my hands on David, then so be it. There is no way I’m going home broke and embarrassed.

  I look up and eye Barbie to see how she is reacting and she is ignoring the cruel remarks the women are making.

  Better her getting their wrath than me.

  I am surprised she is as strong as she is. I would have thought being a sub meant being a doormat. Barbie has shown nothing but strength throughout this competition. Anyone else would have cracked under what she has had to endure.


  I know as soon as I eye Kathy in my peripheral vision that she is getting ready to start her shit. If it wasn’t for the fact that it would make the community look bad, I’d beat her ass. I just keep telling myself it isn’t about me—that I only have a week to go. I don’t think I will ever pursue a reality TV show career. This is much harder to do than I anticipated, especially being that I am the target in the house.

  “I bet you think that you already have this competition in the bag, Barbie.”

  I continue ignoring her but still use my peripheral vision to watch her. If Kathy makes the mistake of putting a hand on me, she is going to get an ass whipping that she won’t soon forget.

  “You just thought that you would fuck and suck your way to the finish line, but a man like David wants a woman with class.”

  “Yeah, and you are one classy broad aren’t you, Kathy?” I mutter in between strokes of the mascara brush. Kathy storms off angry when everyone in the dressing room starts laughing.

  The conversation had not gone the way Kathy had envisioned in her mind. She, like many of the other women, has underestimated me, seeing me as weak because I’m a sub. Most of the women know nothing about the BDSM lifestyle and their misguided thoughts have only solidified what David and I already know; these girls are clueless to the ins and outs of BDSM.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I make my way into the club unnoticed and stand in the corner getting a feel for the room. Nothing could have prepared me for what I see next. David is up to his ears in women and seems to be having a great time. I hate the fact that a surge of jealousy courses through me. It only serves to make me feel stupid for falling prey to a man that I knew all along is nothing but a womanizer.

  A smooth, velvety voice pulls me from my thoughts and I find myself being grateful for the distraction.

  “Looks like your boyfriend over there is quite busy.”

  I look up into a pair of kind hazel eyes that crinkle in humor at the edges; it is Greg.

  Maybe I have misjudged him. I haven’t even given him a chance as far as talking to him. It is evident that my so called boyfriend is a player. I’m not even as mad at him as I am at myself. Why haven’t I listened to my own intuition?

  “He is not my boyfriend, Greg. And we both know that ‘boyfriend’ is an obsolete term in the BDSM community.”

  “Touché, beautiful lady.”

  Well, at least someone is appreciating my effort in trying to look my best. I can’t believe that I was so stupid as to dress up for that jerk.

  I listen as a deep rich chuckle escapes his full lips. This guy is almost too good looking. I actually find myself enjoying the company of this man that I have written off without even giving him a chance.

  Though I have no intentions of getting involved with a Dom ever again, I do find that he is helping to distract me from all of the hoopla that is going on over at the booth where David is seated.


  I hate to admit it but I find myself eyeing the door every couple of seconds. I only have one woman on the brain and that is Linda.

  Damn it! Can this woman ever be on time for anything?

  I guess Rachael decided that now was as good a time as any to go in for the kill. She has been quiet up until this point and I’m sure the cool million is remind
ing her we are down to the last week on this joke of a game show.

  “Oh come on, David, just one kiss.” She makes the mistake of going in for a kiss by grabbing my face and trying to hold it between her hands.

  Barbie chuckles under her breath, knowing what was going to happen next.

  I know by the surge of anger coursing through me that my hazel eyes have turned to steel. I direct my next statement to Barbie but I never remove my cold gaze from Rachael.

  “What is the first rule of being my sub, Barbie?”

  “Don’t touch you without your permission.” She answers without any hesitation.

  Rachael jerks her hands back as if she has touched a hot burner on a lit stove. The cold stare that I’m giving her is making her extremely uncomfortable judging by the look on her face. Embarrassment from the women watching intently to see what will happen next is only adding to the humiliation factor.

  I can tell everything in her wants to run from the room. She looks up, horrified to see the cameras have zoomed in on what is happening.

  I turn, addressing the women at the table with what sounds more like a feral growl than a human voice.

  “It’s evident you girls are not, and have never been, involved in the lifestyle. You’re the most uneducated group of wanna-bes I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

  If, and when, I decide I want to have anything to do with any of you, then I will let you know. Rest assured even if that were to happen, it won’t be some vanilla lovey-dovey date. I lean in for emphasis, “It’s going to be me, grabbing your ass by your hair, and using you for my pleasure.”

  I breathe in deeply and exhale to release some of the irritation that I’m feeling. I place my arm around Barbie and continue speaking.

  “The thing about it is—unless you are truly in the lifestyle like this young lady—by the time I get finished with you, you’re probably going to end up feeling used, degraded, and objectified.”

  I stick out my bottom lip for emphasis—as if I’m pouting—and I speak, “And you may even go home crying and carrying your little panties in your hand.” Barbie laughs as she watches me ball up my fist and rub under my eye as if I was crying. That is all it took for Rachael to go running from the room in tears. (Sans panties in hand)

  I’m not done yet though.

  I lean over and viciously grab a handful of Barbie’s hair and I kiss her so hard that I’m sure it left the girls wondering if she would bruise. I then push her back to her position in the booth where she sat, quietly waiting.

  I direct my attention at the women and continue speaking. “Do you see how she is sitting there waiting for my direction?” I continue talking, not giving them a chance to answer.

  “If I told her to get down on her knees and suck my cock right now… she would do it. Isn’t that correct, Barbie?”

  “Yes, Sir, it is,” she matter of fact answered.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle at the horrified look on the women’s faces. “Do you still want to play, ladies?” I hiss in the direction of their shell-shocked faces. “I didn’t think so,” I growl, as I get up out of the booth. I would much rather be taking care of club business than dealing with this band of misfits.


  I eye the man I have spent the last hour talking to. “As much as I am enjoying this conversation Greg, I have a splitting headache and I need to head home.”

  Greg chuckled, “Enough reality, huh?”

  “Absolutely, Greg. You’ll never hear me say that my job isn’t stressful.”

  “Oh, I can imagine that it is, pretty lady. Anytime that you deal with people, it’s stressful. When you add money and fame to the mix, it gets down right treacherous.”

  Greg holds out his arm. “Let me walk you to your car.”

  I take his arm and allow him to escort me to my car. All I want right now is to go home and be in the environment of my own surroundings. I have been subjected to enough reality for one day.

  I leave, feeling better after spending some time getting to know Greg. I can see him being a good friend after all of this is over.

  For the first time, I find myself wanting this show to be finished; for the first time, I honestly want David out of my life for good. Any fantasies I might have had about us maintaining our relationship were over after tonight.

  I don’t know why but it really bothered me to see David interacting with the women the way he did tonight. I have a problem with him acting like he is obsessed with me one minute, and then ditching me the next. At least, that is how I see things.

  I’ve worked too hard to be made a fool of. I have no desire to become fodder for tabloid internet sights and late night comedy. I can see the headlines already—Game Show Producer Gets Played—No thanks. I don’t need to give any of the higher-ups a reason to not take me seriously. I have to deal with that enough just for the mere fact that I’m a woman. David will have to find another sucker for his mind fucks because it’s not me.


  As is a habit of mine when addressing the bartender, I smack the bar twice and speak to him, “How is it going tonight, Trent?”

  “Uneventful—and in our world that can be a good thing.” Trent nods over towards the cameras still filming the women at the booth. “And with those cameras here, it is definitely a good thing. How much longer do we have to put up with this circus, boss?”

  I chuckle, “You hit the nail on the head when you said circus. I can only hope my allegiance to the community doesn’t backfire on me. I have less than one week and this is one time that I am counting down the days. Hey, speaking of circus, have you seen the ring master, Linda?”

  Trent nodded in Greg’s direction, “Ask him, he just walked her out to her car, I think.”

  It is taking everything that I have in me to keep my cool.

  I make my way over to Greg and lit into him. “You and I both know the only reason you care anything about getting close to Linda is to piss me off.”

  Greg looks up at me with a look of utter disdain and he says, “Well, it appears to be working. Not that it is any of your business, but I happen to think she deserves better than you. I mean seriously, what kind of Dom goes on a reality show to pick up women who aren’t even in the lifestyle?”

  “Greg, let me tell you something, you sneaky little son of a bitch. You may not like me, but you’re going to respect me! If you weren’t the ambulance chasing lawyer that you are, I’d splatter your nose all over your face right now.”

  “Anytime you feel froggy, David, you go right ahead and jump.”

  I walk away because I know if I don’t, I am going to hurt Greg. The only reason he is showing any interest in Linda is to piss me off and he has most certainly managed to do that. I storm out the door and make my way back to the mansion. All I care about right now is a shot of bourbon and a good night’s sleep.

  Nights like tonight make me glad I have a driver. I sit in the back seat and silently make my way into the mansion without running into any of the women because they’re still at the bar.

  I pour myself two fingers of bourbon and take a seat, removing my jacket and loosening my tie. I let my mind wander back to the last night Linda and I shared together.

  She is the real deal. She brings out the Dom in me. She doesn’t know how to play or how to engage in a scene, it is just Linda being Linda.

  She is a natural with me in the sub realm, and she doesn’t even realize it—the way she trembles under my touch and averts her eyes under my gaze, the way I have to lift her chin to make her look at me. There is such a connection with her, so much chemistry.

  Doms and subs spend lifetimes looking for the connection that we share and I have no intention of losing her. It isn’t just Greg I don’t want to lose her to, it is any man.

  A knock at my door brings me out of my thoughts.

  If this is one of these bitches trying to fuck me…..Grrrr…..

  I jerk the door open in irritation to see Barbie standing there and my mood soften

  “Have a seat, Barbie. What’s on your mind?”

  “Well, Sir, I do hope I am not speaking out of turn, but I have something I would like to talk to you about.”

  I nod my head giving her the go ahead to continue.

  “I can’t help but notice you like Linda and I won’t reveal it to anyone. I just want you to know that I have your back, Sir.”

  “Barbie, I appreciate that and I have a proposition for you. As far as I am concerned, you are the only girl here who deserves to win this competition. I know a Dom who is in the market for a sub just like you. He has many of the same fetishes that I have noted you have. I have already sent him a picture of you and he is smitten, to say the least. As soon as the competition is over he wants to meet you.”

  I smile, as I watch Barbie’s face beam.

  At least someone is having a good day…


  I stand around the corner out of sight and watch Barbie leave David’s room. My million dollar dream is going right out the window and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

  Granted, I will be famous and I am sure to be a hit with my home-town friends, but fifteen minutes of fame isn’t enough for a girl like me who craves the spotlight like I do. I need this to put me on the reality TV show circuit. Maybe I am kissing the wrong ass. Maybe I need to do a little more sucking up to Linda. Screw David, he doesn’t have the power to make me a star. In his world, he is the star in the limelight. In my world, I don’t share that privilege. Yes… I will have to try and get closer to Linda so I can secure my chance at fame. To a girl like me, fame is more important than fortune. It’s my drug of choice and I’m like a junkie with my first shot. I developed a taste for it a long time ago. My Mommy Dearest saw to that with all of the beauty pageants I was subjected to throughout my childhood. This is my chance to make it big and if it means me kissing some ass to get it, then so be it. It’s only a matter of kissing the right ass…