Rubia Page 3
I made my way down to the soccer field, as was my wont now; on the days that I ran.
I watched Juan from the grassy hill that I sat on, never hearing the predator making his way up behind me.
I jumped up defensively; as soon as I turned and saw him.
“Get the fuck away from me!”
He licked his lips, as he eyed me up and down and a surge of disgust ran through me. It was evident that he was eyeing me as if her were undressing me.
“Mmm, you speakum English.”
I trotted off up the hill and back towards the house. The man was no threat to me, he was already drunk and it was only 8:30 in the morning.
“I could kick his ass if I needed to, I sure won’t tell my crazy husband; he is likely to kill the poor guy.” I thought.
The body guard on duty for the day flirted with the muchacha leaned in his window.
The mixture of her low cut top and short skirt was giving him a hard-on.
He was only doing this job one day anyway; while the full time body guard Carlos, finished tying up loose ends; in order to begin his new job of guarding the boss and his wife.
“Why pass up on the chance of tapping a prime piece of ass; in order to watch that uppity white bitch?” He thought. “Nobody was ever going to be able to get near the boss’s wife anyway, but this little muchacha; he stood a chance with.”
Juanita jumped as the door jerked open and she viewed Ricardo standing there.
He pulled her in; all but dragging her into her bedroom.
“You little brat, what the hell do you think that you are doing; taking off with no bodyguard!?!”
Juanita rolled her eyes, as she struggled to pull away from him.
He began poking her in the chest, until he backed her into the bed and she scurried away, as if thinking that the headboard would offer some sense of safety.
“When are you going to get it, Juanita? You are a prisoner! My fucking prisoner, Juanita!”
“How could I forget it with you here to remind me every-day,” she screamed, as tears coursed down her face.
“I hate you, I hate you! You have ruined my life, just let me go. You said it already, you can have any woman that you want here, but no, you have to have me; because you can’t have me. Typical male ego; you guys always want what you can’t have!”
Ricardo stood bewildered, he didn’t know what to say or what to do; he simply turned and exited the room.
He could hear Juanita’s sobs as he made his way down the hallway and into his office.
He sat at his desk and pondered the situation.
Maybe he should let her go. What would the village think when he did so?
Even as he thought about it, the tightening in his chest let him know that it had nothing to do with his reputation, or ego, the thought of his Rubia not being here anymore; literally tore at his insides.
Juanita confused him and he didn’t like it. She caused him to feel emotion; unlike the other women that he had previously bedded.
He hadn’t even thought about another woman since her arrival, and he most certainly hadn’t touched one.
All of the other women; who had been with Ricardo before, did whatever he wanted.
None of them demanded respect; having the prestige of being with a wealthy, powerful man was enough.
Juanita could care less about his wealth, or his power.
She had no family so it wasn’t like he hadn’t given her a much better life. No matter how long he sat trying to figure her out, he still remained confused.
Juanita sobbed as she lay in the bed contemplating her situation. By the time that she was finished, it was settled in her mind; she would get a job and pay Ricardo back. If being free came tagged with a price, then so be it, she would buy her freedom back.
Marta quietly entered Juanita’s bedroom and sat on the bed watching her sleep.
It had been true what she had told Juanita; her boss was much easier to get along with since her arrival.
The staff was crazy about her. Juanita fit in like she belonged here. All of the other women that Ricardo had previously dated were so bitchy.
Always barking out orders and talking down to them, but not Juanita.
She was just as comfortable sitting on the kitchen counter talking to Marta, as she was in the formal dining hall.
Juanita felt real, not like she was here for wealth and prestige. Marta didn’t want Juanita to leave.
Juanita jumped when she opened her eyes and saw Marta.
“Juanita, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you; but we need to talk. Mrs. Juanita, Señor Ricardo is a hard man, a seasoned officer and he is not accustomed to being around women.”
“Well to hear him tell it, he has his choice of any hussy that he wants.”
Marta giggled, “Well this is true; he is quite the ladies man, but the women that Ricardo is around are different. Juanita, do you understand that a man of his standing cannot be interpreted as ‘weak?’”
“Well I don’t care; that is no excuse for him to bully me. I’m finding a way to pay him back. Maybe I can go to New York and work in his brother’s bar.”
“Please don’t say that, he has a very bad temper and he views you as being his. The thought of another man looking at you is unacceptable. His little brother does not permit Roxanne to work.”
“What is it with these guys that they think they own us?”
“Juanita, you stole from him, he does own you; Ricardo kills people who steal from him.”
Marta stated the fact as if they were discussing the weather, and not a man who was a dangerous leader of a third world country.
“Great! I’m married to a murderer with a bad temper.”
Chapter Twelve
Juanita made her entrance into the formal dining area in a red dress and though she looked beautiful, she had done it in direct defiance towards her husband.
Ricardo knew exactly what she was doing. Dinner’s at the Ramirez mansion were an event and were dressed for in formal attire; which usually meant black.
He had laid out a black gown, complete with black lingerie and hose and he knew that this was direct defiance; in other words: his wife was proving a point.
Ricardo waved Marta over and whispered something in her ear. He wasted no time dragging Juanita from the dining room, down the corridor, and into his massive bedroom.
Juanita cringed, as the door slammed so loudly that she was certain that it would splinter under the assault.
She backed away cowering into the massive king sized bed.
She became distracted as she eyed the opulent room that was where her husband slept. She had never seen his bed chamber before and it was impressive to say the least.
Each piece of antique furniture had been picked with the utmost of thought. A fireplace crackled in the center of the room; giving off a soft glow. Though the room was masculine in its décor, it was impressive to even her feminine taste.
Ricardo’s voice jarred her from her thoughts.
“You little bitch, you are pissing me off!” He towered over her body as he sat on top of her pinning her down.
Not even Marta’s entrance could stop his wrath. “Set it down and get out of here, Marta.” He spewed; never removing his eyes from his wife.
Suddenly Juanita began studying her husband’s looks.
She noted that he was massive, and he appeared to be even more, so as he sat straddling her, even his jaw line seemed to be set in stone. Everything about the man screamed ‘alpha male.’
His mouth was set in the form of a straight line; yet curled up in the form of a snarl, like that of a wolf dominating his prey.
She liked the scar that ran down the side of his cheek; it only added to his sinister look. She began chewing her bottom lip as she eyed him.
Ricardo leaned down and hissed in her ear, “You are looking at me like you want me to fuck you girl. Is that what you want?”
bsp; He began chewing up and down her neck and tearing at her formal gown.
His mouth covered hers and his tongue plunged in taking her very breath away. It was true; she wanted him to take her.
“Tonight, I’m not holding back Juanita. I’m going to pin those pretty long legs of yours back and fuck you hard and deep girl.”
He flipped her over tearing at the zipper with such force she was sure that the dress would be ruined.
Her clothes came off, everything but her thigh high silk hose, and her heels.
He had pulled his pants down, but not off, and he had grabbed her hips subduing her when she attempted lying on her back. This left her just how he wanted her; on all fours.
The hand full of hair that he had wrapped around his fist worked perfectly for pulling her head back and whispering obscenities into her ear.
“Oh no little girl, no missionary positions tonight. If you want to make big girl decisions; well then, you get fucked like a big girl.”
I cried out as his member thrust into me, my hands had become so knotted into the sheets that had I been able to view them, I would have known that my knuckles were white.
My cries of “Please don’t hurt me,” soon became cries of, “I’ll do anything.”
Suddenly he pulled himself from me leaving me void and empty, “Don’t stop!” I screamed; unashamed.
His mouth dived between my legs from behind, lapping up the juices that surged from my inner core and now felt as if they were running down my legs.
Licking and sucking, until he milked an orgasm from my all too willing body.
I was relieved when he turned me over.
His mouth engulfed mine; painfully kissing me, only to plunge into me once more and begin his onslaught of dirty talk; again. “That is what you taste like, Rubia; fan-fucking-tabulous.”
I slowed down; pulling her head into the pillow by the two handfuls of hair that I had grasped on each side.
I wanted this high that she gave me to last forever. I couldn’t get enough of her. I couldn’t ever remember being so obsessed with anyone, or anything.
Intrusive thoughts bombarded me throughout the day, and I found it hard to concentrate.
“That’s it baby, look at me; look at me while I fuck you like I own you. Please don’t go, please baby, stay Juanita, please stay.”
It was the first time in his life; that Ricardo Ramirez had ever begged anyone, for anything.
Chapter Thirteen
Ricardo & Juanita
“I don’t want to go to your fancy, swanky, party.”
“Well dear if you are going to be married to a high ranking Colombian intelligence officer,” Ricardo got right in her face taunting, “Then you are going to have to be my arm candy.”
“Then I guess you can be my sugar Daddy and just hand over your wallet,” Juanita stated rolling her eyes.
“You’ve already swindled me out of enough money you little thief, but I will take you shopping; just not dressed like that.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Ricardo tugged at her cut offs and pushed her down on the bed, positioning himself between her legs and beginning his assault on her with his tongue; as he spoke between licks.
“It means that sweet, tangy little ass of yours belongs to me, bought and paid for. Oh girl, you do taste good.”
“Ricardo, oh shit; why have you got me here?”
It had become an effort to talk and her breathing was now labored.
“You, young lady, are here because: you are the best fuck that I have ever encountered, now shut-up Juanita, your eyes are rolling back in your head, just give in to it, girl.”
It didn’t take much arguing for her to listen this time…
The Boutique
The woman in the boutique went and locked the door and turned the sign over to closed. It wasn’t often that she had such an important client such as Ricardo Ramirez.
She had heard the rumors of him marrying the American girl and now that she was viewing it first hand, she had full intentions of milking it for all that it was worth.
It would make a wonderful topic of conversion at her next bridge club; plus it would promote sales. Anyone, who was anyone, would want to shop where the important couple had bought their evening gown.
This soiree that Mario was hosting, was the talk of the small pueblo, yes, this was going to be a great day…
Chapter Fourteen
Ricardo & Juanita
“Stop fidgeting Juanita,” Ricardo spoke, as he ran a small circle with the pad of his thumb, over his wife’s hand.
“What if they don’t like me? I already know that this is going to be a plethora of the ‘who’s who’ crowd.
Ricardo turned his wife’s face, gently in his direction and sincerely spoke: “How could they not like you? My staff simply adores you, I’m obsessed with you, hell; the guard dogs even like you better than they do me?”
Juanita giggled, “Well this is one time that I won’t mind you being my obsessed stalker. It was true; having Ricardo on her arm would give her a type of ‘security blanket’ effect.
Ricardo gently pulled his wife from car, after Carlos had opened the door for them.
Juanita eyed the mansion that housed two grand columns; columns that stoically stood, as if beckoning her and her husband to enter into the grand foyer.
“You know the deal girl, time to put on your game face.” Juanita thought to herself. Face the enemy head on! She of all people knew that.
Every eye in the place turned to watch them as they entered the ball room.
To say that they made a handsome couple would be an understatement; they were a vision to behold.
The contrast of Juanita’s striking blonde hair and red full lips, complimented with the simple black gown, which she wore with diamond studded earrings; was nothing short of glamorous.
Her height of almost six feet, made her look like a high fashion model, when coupled with the four inch heels that she wore.
The mixture of her class and elegance, coupled with her husband’s tall, dark, and dangerous; commanded the attention of all in attendance.
It most certainly did not go without being noticed by Mario. And his daughter Victoria definitely noticed them when they entered.
Ricardo and Juanita would be the talk of many an afternoon social tea; for weeks to come.
Mario eyed his arch nemesis as he thought, “So it’s true, he did get married to an American; I wonder if it is also true that he forced her hand in marriage?”
After the initial shock of feeling that a large looming lime light had been cast over her entrance, Juanita found herself actually enjoying the event. The champagne flowed freely, but for some reason Juanita didn’t feel like drinking tonight.
She was jolted when her husband whisked her away to a darkened corridor.
Ricardo palmed the wall that now served as a tool to pin his wife in.
He began nuzzling in her neck, as he whispered threats of her impending judgment that would ensue upon her return home.
“I’m going to take you home and ruin that pristine little make-up job of yours. I just love knowing that every man in this place wants you and I’ll be the one taking you home to defile. I will never let you go; I can’t. You are lodged down into my soul girl.”
Victoria stood in a darkened corner of her own; seething. Ricardo had never been that smitten with her, in fact, Victoria could never remember Ricardo being that smitten with anyone.
“Well Ricardo, as much as I would love to hear your descriptions of what you plan on doing to me later, I really need to use the restroom.”
Juanita ducked under Ricardo’s arm and floated through the crowd making her way to the restroom, the friendly atmosphere had definitely done its job of taking the edge off. She no longer felt like a bundle of nerves.
She stood in the mirror applying lipstick when a young and striki
ngly beautiful woman confronted her.
“Oh you must be Ricardo’s wife. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting my competition. My name is Victoria, perhaps you have heard of me?”
“Excuse me, have we met?” Juanita answered.
“Well I think that we both know that we haven’t met Juanita, I would think that you would remember me if we had; after all, I was engaged to your Husband.”
Juanita felt like what the boxing world referred to as: ‘a sucker punch.’ Victoria had completely caught her off guard. Being as quick on her feet as she was, she quickly countered.
“Well Victoria, too bad that didn’t work out for you, because it sure as hell is working out for me.”
Juanita snapped her clutch closed for emphasis and she never took her eyes from Victoria’s.
“Yes, I would have to admit, I’m having the time of my life, Victoria.”
Juanita turned on her heel with her head held high, never showing the emotions that were truly going on inside of her.
Mario swooped to Juanita’s side, ushering her onto the veranda; he had assured that Ricardo was preoccupied; for just this reason.
Juanita welcomed the fresh air and gladly took the champagne that the handsome stranger held out to her. Suddenly her stomach felt nauseated from the confrontation in the bathroom and she set it down not drinking it.
“I’m charmed that you could make my event tonight Juanita.” He took her hand kissing it, as he looked into her face.
“We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting; I’m Mario, the father of the young lady, who no doubt just verbally accosted you in the ladies room.”
“Yes, she was very quick to inform me that she had been previously engaged to my husband.”
“Yes, Ricardo is quite the ladies man and it is true, my daughter still carries a torch for him.”