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  “Onto another more pleasant subject Juanita, I need a translator. Translators are harder to come by than interpreters. And I dare say that the job pays quite well.”

  Mario had heard the rumors of Juanita’s marriage being forced and he made certain that he threw; ‘pays quite well,’ into the conversation.

  Juanita flicked the card between her fingers, “I might just take you up on that, Sir.”

  With that she made her way through the veranda door. She may have just found her way out of this marriage.

  She pushed away the gnawing in her gut, the questions of accusation in her head that loudly rang out, “How could you have been so stupid to let your guard down with a gangster playboy?”

  It took everything that Ricardo had to not crash through the door and jerk Juanita out to the car, he would deal with it tactfully in public; but it was time to go. Oh yes, Ricardo Ramirez would be dealing with this.

  Ricardo & Juanita

  As if one blind side for the night wasn’t enough, Ricardo wasted no time raising the partition in the limo, and beginning his verbal assault on his wife.

  “What the hell do you thing that you are doing?” Before she even had time to answer, Ricardo grabbed her clutch and took the business card, which had Mario’s information on it; he ripped it in half, as if he had produced some kind of proof; that she had transgressed against him by taking it.

  In a matter of seconds his demeanor went cold.

  He leaned in and hissed in her ear, “If you ever fuck around on me, I’ll kill you!”

  “It’s for a job you thug!” Juanita screamed out in defense of herself.

  Even though Juanita was scared of him, he was pissing her off. Her anger had taken any edge off of being able to mentally deduce consequences for her actions. She simply didn’t give a shit, right now.

  Ricardo turned her chin towards him with one finger and stated: “If you want to pay me off and have your freedom; then give me an heir and you can go.”

  He gently pushed her face away with a look of disgust.

  “Fine Ricardo! That is just what you need, an heir to pass your reign of terror down to!”

  “Bastard! I hate you.”

  Though she would never let Ricardo know it; she cried herself to sleep that night.

  How could anyone be so cold? She couldn’t help but wonder if his childhood had left him so scarred; that he wasn’t capable of true love.

  Whatever his problem was, she made up her mind that night, that it wasn’t her job to fix it.


  Ricardo lay in bed tossing and turning.

  He just couldn’t shake thoughts of his wife and how beautiful that she had looked this evening.

  It tormented him that every man in that party would have given his right arm just to escort a woman who looked like Juanita.

  Ricardo had the opportunity to take her home and all he had done was fight with her.

  He couldn’t wrap his head around why he felt so enraged, when he had seen her talking to Mario.

  Ricardo couldn’t figure out a lot of things that were going on inside of him, since he had married Juanita, then again; this was all new to him, he had never been in love before…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ricardo stood around the corner stalking and eavesdropping on his wife; as she sobbed in Marta’s arms.

  “Oh God Marta, I can’t be pregnant!”

  She had spent the last two weeks avoiding her husband and the last week of it, she had been throwing up.

  “Missy, with the way that you are throwing up, I think that you very well could be pregnant. Are you late for your period?”

  The only answer that Marta got was a loud wail and continuous sobs, interjected with broken sentences of: “I have no one to take care of me and I can’t do cage fights if I’m pregnant. Maybe I need to call Mario and get that job.”

  “Ricardo is never going to let you work for Mario, they are enemies.”

  “But Marta, Ricardo said: he would take the baby, and send me away; that it would be payment for stealing from him.”

  “Missy, you two are in love and both too blind to see it. Neither one of you trusts the other.”

  “How am I supposed to trust someone who wants to use me for a baby making machine; just so he can pass his reign of terror down to his heir?”

  Marta giggled, “You are funny Juanita. You met him after you stole $100,000 from him. What do you expect? You honestly expect him to trust you?”

  Even Juanita hadn’t realized that it had been that much money.

  “Oh God; move I have to puke,” Juanita jolted to the bathroom and began wrenching the last contents of her stomach up.


  “Get out of here Marta!” Ricardo commanded as he made his way through Juanita’s room and into her bathroom.

  He held her hair out of the way; in between her puking and vowing: “That she would never give him her baby.”

  The next hour was spent cleaning her up and getting her settled into his bedroom.

  He had taken the time to calm her down and assure her, that he was not the ‘baby stealing monster’ that he had threatened her with.

  She ran her hands through his thick black hair, as he laid his head on her stomach and spoke very powerful words; that she knew, he meant from the bottom of his heart, “My child will never grow up like I did; never…”

  “Ricardo, we don’t know if I’m pregnant for sure.”

  “I know how to tell,” he firmly sucked on one of her breasts and she yelped, “That hurts damn it!”

  “Yep, he smiled; you’re pregnant. I’ll have the Dr. come by tomorrow and confirm.”

  Ricardo & Juanita

  The next day was spent with the Dr. coming by and confirming what everyone already knew. It only solidified in Ricardo’s mind that Juanita was his and there was still some business that he had to attend to.

  He waited until Juanita was asleep and got Carlos; he would need his right hand man.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ricardo eyed the guard that he had dragged from behind the bars; bars which had been his housing for the previous month.

  “See, it’s bad enough that you can’t keep your eyes off of my wife, did you ever stop to consider that she could have been killed by one of my enemies, due to your neglect?”

  When the man attempted to answer, Ricardo’s hand viciously flew out; backhanding him.

  “That’s a rhetorical question, dumb ass!”

  Carlos stood leaned against the wall cleaning his nails with a switchblade and thinking, “This is going to be good.”

  “Give me the knife Carlos,” Ricardo demanded, never removing his eyes from the prisoner.

  The man immediately began begging, as Carlos turned the knife around; handing Ricardo the handle.

  Ricardo coldly eyed the man who was now not only unemployed, but was an outcast, for not taking his job seriously.

  “Get the fuck out of my country, and clean up the piss on my floor, that you just leaked, before you go. You mark my words, if I ever see you around my wife; I will cut your throat from ear to ear and watch you bleed out, just for the fun of it!”

  Carlos chuckled, as he eyed the man who had now urinated on himself, “I think he means it, and please do clean up your piss, because I’m not going to be happy with you, if I have to do it.”

  The guard did exactly as Ricardo had demanded; he cleaned up, and wasted no time getting out of the country.

  He would be black-listed from ever getting a bodyguard job again. Nobody wanted a distracted bodyguard. And Ricardo’s word was law, no one would want to hire someone whom Ricardo had black listed.

  Ricardo and Juanita

  Ricardo lay on his wife’s swollen stomach; rubbing the mound which housed his un-born twin sons. He was over the moon. He couldn’t believe that he had not been blessed with just one son, but two.

  His hand slid up his wife’s nightgown and tweaked a nipple. “You know Juanita as close as y
ou are to having those babies, a good hard fuck, might be just what you need to go into labor.

  “I don’t care what you do to me, if it will make these guys come out. I’m tired of swollen feet and ankles, back aches, peeing all the time, and lack of sleep.”

  “Mm; let me accommodate you young lady.”

  Juanita giggled, never realizing that later on, when she thought that she had peed on herself; she would be rushed to the Hospital to go into labor.

  The Twins

  Juanita gave birth to twins that night.

  The firstborn was named, Ricardo Victor Ramirez Jr.

  And the second born was named, Jorge Antonio Ramirez.

  The first: true to birth rites; looked exactly like his Daddy, coal black eyes, coal black hair, and intense mannerisms, as well as features.

  Tony, the second borne: proved to be more like his mother; with green eyes, lighter hair, and a clear, bright, light complexion.

  Ricardo was over the moon and more in love with his wife every day.

  It was almost as if the children had brought the protector in Ricardo out, and no longer did he feel the need to fight the love that coursed through his being towards his family…


  Ricardo roared with laughter, as he watched his two year old Ricardo Victor, pulling Jorge Antonio’s hair; in order to keep him from getting the toy that he wanted.

  Juanita ran over, “No fighting, you boys act just like your father and uncle.”

  Ricardo pulled Juanita into the floor and the boys began crawling all over her.

  He watched his wife and his sons playing and felt a pride swell up in his heart for his family.

  He vowed to himself: that he would never allow them to go through, what he and his little brother had gone through.

  “Hey Juanita, how do you feel about trying for a little girl?” Ricardo sheepishly smiled.

  Juanita screeched, “Yes,” as she jumped in his arms, oddly enough, she had been thinking the same thing lately.

  For the first time in his life Ricardo thought to himself, “Life is good…”

  The End…

  The Diary Prologue:

  My birth name was, “Mathias Novak” I had changed it when I left New York at a young age and relocated to California.

  You see, “Carl Sims” sounded much more Americanized and it would keep me from being viewed as a mobster, or a thug.

  I like to think of myself as a business man with an edge and the words mobster and thug carry a stigma with them that I did not want to be associated with.

  Being of European descent I am very particular.

  I am a polished man, a very precise man and perfected at anything that I do.

  Not just any woman has the capability to snag my attention, it takes a certain something if you will and women like Katrina are few and far between.

  I have no intention of letting Katrina get away from me.

  Then there was also the issue of the diary, I will be keeping Katrina on a short leash…


  Giving that diary back would be admitting that I had stolen it and used it to write my story.

  It meant admitting that my novel which had now become a worldwide, phenomenal best seller; was nothing more than a hoax.

  This created a grave problem, it meant losing a lot of money and worse than that, it meant my reputation as a writer would be ruined.

  I had no choice, I would have to try and charm this snake, somehow, some way, into not ruining all that I had worked for.

  The Diary is available on Amazon: